Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Quick post about surgery.  My surgery has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 10th.  I'll take all good wishes and prayers.  Thanks! 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I have spoken with my doctor's and it has been decided that I will have surgery.  The surgery has not yet been scheduled, but will hopefully be soon after I get back from my MI vacation.  I will post the information once I know.  The surgery will most likely remove my right kidney.  If there is a way to remove the tumor and save the kidney, my sugeon will, but because of the location and size, he is 90% sure that the entire kidney will be removed.  I am trying to prepare for that, but it is difficult thinking about losing a kidney.  I am lucky that the tumor is confined to one kidney and that my left is a healthy, fully functioning kidney.  I have been told that most people live a long and healthy life without limitations with one kidney.  I know all of this, but this is my body, my life and as happy as I'll be to have the unhealthy kidney removed,  I will mourn the loss.  Don't get me wrong, I am good emotionally, I'm optimistic and I am strong.  It's just a strange feeling knowing that one of your organs will be removed.

Teya and I are currently in MI with my family and we are having a great time.  Todd will join us in a week and a half.  I look forward to the rest of the vacation for relaxation and fun.