Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Good news first - my MRI results are clean and clear.  All lymph nodes and organs, with the exception of my right kidney is clean and clear.  All great news!

Bad news - docs believe there is a 3cm tumor on my right kidney.  The follow up PET did not give them a definite answer.  I am seeing a kidney specialist on July 12th.  I'm hoping there is another test or two that can be done to determine what the spot is before having surgery.

I had a hard time hearing the news, but today I am at peace and optimistic.  I haven't really thought about it until I got on Face Book and realized that I better write something before everyone thinks I am under a rock or something :)  This isn't the best news, but it is also a time to evaluate where I am at emotionally and physically with my healing and make any adjustments I need to remain healthy.  I am optimistic that regardless of the final diagnosis that I will be fine.  I feel strong and that I will make it though this next challenge of my journey. 

I want to thank all of you who have reached out to me and my family with your prayers and well wishes.  It means a lot to me to have your support.

We are patiently waiting for the arrival of my parents who have been delayed in Detroit for 3 1/2 hours!  I look forward to seeing them soon.  Todd, Teya and I are traveling to MD to see Todd's family this Tuesday and I look forward to all the relaxing that will be had on that vacation.  Just what I need right now.  We get back to AZ the day before I see the kidney guy.  I'll update everyone then.

Again, thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It is that time of year for my 6 month scans - CT - organs and MRI - brain.  I had my CT on Tuesday and something showed on my kidney, so I am doing a follow up PET Scan on Friday which will provide a better look.  My MRI is tomorrow, Thursday.  I'll have all results on Tuesday the 22nd. 

I ask for any prayers and any good vibes you can send my way for good results.  I'll post on Tuesday to let everyone know my results.
