Thursday, May 27, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer - It's Time for Sunscreen

It is almost summer time - well, for AZ it is summer - so it is time to start thinking about sunscreen.  I wear sunscreen all year around, but I'm sure most people do not, so this is my reminder to you to lather up.  It is recommended that we use a broadband (UVA and UVB protectant) of at least SPF 30.  You need to apply 10 - 15 minutes BEFORE going into the sun.  Your sunscreen will have the recommended time.  You will then need to re-apply EVERY 2 hours.  There is no sunscreen that will protect all day. The highest UV times are 10am - 4pm. During these times it is important to either find shade (clothing, umbrella, tree, etc.  you get the picture) or put on sunscreen and re-apply.  It is very important to re-apply so I am saying it twice.

Also, there is a lot of talk about Vitamin D lately and I believe we are in a state of low Vitamin D levels as we as a society have gotten good at applying sunscreen and finding shade - Good for Us!  After my diagnosis, my primary doc tested my level and I was extremely low.  I am now taking a high level of supplements.  I do try to get some Vitamin D from the sun, but it makes me nervous so I normally rely on my supplements.  I came across an article that I thought was really informative about Vitamin D.  Read here: .

So have fun this summer, just please try to be safe and protect your skin, body and health.