I have been feeling good. Besides a rash at the injections site, I have had no other cranky side effects from the treatment. Thank goodness as I have been busy with holiday cards. Most of you know, but I have a custom made stationary business (cards, invitations, announcements, etc.) called Party Essentials (http://www.party-essentials.com/). I have a few holiday orders already and it is so great to be back in business doing something I love to do.
Todd, Teya and I went to a Lymphoma Walk yesterday at the Phoenix Zoo. A co-worker of mine, Alicia, has lymphoma. She has been a real support to me since I found out about my reoccurrence. I didn't even know about her cancer until my returned. We had a lot of fun at the event. Teya loved seeing the animals. I made it through one lap around. My lungs felt good and thanked me for the workout and my body thanked me for the extra oxygen. My side was sore with all of the movement and I still cannot wear a bra of any kind so that didn't help, but it was all worth it.
Todd, Teya and I went to a Lymphoma Walk yesterday at the Phoenix Zoo. A co-worker of mine, Alicia, has lymphoma. She has been a real support to me since I found out about my reoccurrence. I didn't even know about her cancer until my returned. We had a lot of fun at the event. Teya loved seeing the animals. I made it through one lap around. My lungs felt good and thanked me for the workout and my body thanked me for the extra oxygen. My side was sore with all of the movement and I still cannot wear a bra of any kind so that didn't help, but it was all worth it.
Alicia and Me

My friend Pete started his treatment last Wednesday and I am happy to report that he did not have a reaction to the drug or extreme side effects. We still do not know if he is getting the drug, but he is a trooper and is going forward with a positive attitude. Thanks to all who have sent him positive thoughts and prayers.
So glad to hear you're having a good day and you were able to do a "Walk"! You go girl!!
Keep it up and know the prayers continue...and for your friends as well!
Your strength continues to amaze me and give me hope!!!
Love ya'
So glad your treatment is going well! Love the pics!
That's great that you felt good and up to walking! I feel the same about you and your blog!.. Teya definitely has a STRONG mommmy and one to be admired!!!
BTW, I also couldn't wear bras after tx, but after about 10 days, I could wear tanks with "shelf" bras or empire tops with built in bras...Have u tried those?.. just a thought...I still can't stand under wire bras tho... had to go wireless now! :)
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