It was a tough decision, but Tina really wanted to be up by family to try and gain her strength back and get better. Since she is unable to fly, we knew driving was the only option. No way she could ride in a car in her condition, so we decided to RV it. We are the proud new owners of a 1991 33 ft Holiday Rambler! It has a great big queen size bed in the back, which is perfect for Tina.
We are at the tail end of the trip as we just entered Michigan, and it is a welcome relief to get out of the AZ heat. It has been a pretty good trip, and Tina is doing great. Teya is actaully having a pretty good time too, and Rick, Rose and I are splitting all the driving duties. Teya is in charge of the having fun in the RV duties, and it seems she is doing just that. Only been pulled over by the cops once on the trip...
So how long are we going to be in Michigan? Really, it is kinda unknown...but as long as is necessary. The main goal is to get Tina healthy, so she will stay at her parents house so everyone can help nurse her back to health, and the RV will be my new home/office. We are hoping to be here 1-2 months before we can head back to AZ. If we think it is going to be any longer than that, we will look to rent a house up here and go from there. Thankfully, my work has been great about me working remotely, so I really, really appreciate that. Two of Tina's co-workers from PTF are staying at our house while we are gone so Marley, Bo, Kitty and the fish will be well looked after, and our good friends Cathy and Jon are gonna help take care of any other house stuff that may arise. That makes the trip that much easier...
While we will dearly miss our AZ family, know you are in our thoughts. We have received such fantasic love and support from everyone, it made the decision to leave very, very though. Know the invite is out for anyone to come and visit! Might be a nice break to get out of the AZ heat and come play on the water. Thanks again for all the love, prayers and support!

Thanks for the update; I have been thinking and praying for you all daily. I love the RV all continue to amaze me. Ashley (college friend of Todd's).
Glad to hear the trip went is going so smoothly! We will keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming from AZ.
I hope you are all settled in and resting now. I'm happy to hear the journey went so well. I'm sure the cooler MI temps and family were a welcoming sight for Tina!
I'm so glad that you are comfortable and close to family. Michigan is closer to VA, so you'll get all of our good vibes much faster! :) Much love and prayers!
No, I live in Missouri, not Michigan! Well I guess this means I will just have to find a time to come and visit you guys instead.
Glad to hear you made it, will be in contact soon.
Thanks for the update and glad you had a safe drive there. Keeping the prayers and positive thoughts going for you all.
Tina you are amazing, can't believe how well you did on the trip. We love you tons
Carrie Venz
Tina you are amazing, can't believe how well you did on the trip. We love you tons
Carrie Venz
YEAH for Michigan summers! I'm glad you all were able to make this trip and Tina did well! Nothing like your mom's house to help you get on the healing track!! AMAZING! You all amaze me with the things you take on, the fight you endure each and every day! In my thoughts and prayers....always! Much love, prayers, and HUGS!!!
Todd -
I have read this post a few times just to take it in. Tina is so incredibly strong I don't believe truly there are words for her strength. And the support that you, Rose, Rick and of course Teya provide is so wonderful. You guys are raising a strong, confident young lady. Keep Tina safe and comfortable out there in Michigan - enjoy your time & even though we are miles away, if you need anything - just scream. Constant prayers for all of you!
Thinking of you all everyday and keeping Tina in my prayers. Hope the trip north continued to be a good one.
Holly Jenkins
Hey todd this is donna taymans. Hope tina is getting better. My prayers r with u & ur family. My e-mail is
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